Sunday, January 30, 2011

My week in a nutshell.

Starting off with Monday.

Jennie goes to work,
Jennie comes home and does homework.
Jennie eats something and goes to sleep.

Jennie goes to work,
Jennie comes home and pretends to do productive things.
Jennie gets addicted to Desperate Housewives.
Seriously, seriously, addicted.
Jennie sits in a catatonic state for the next few hours, indulging in Desperate Housewives.

Jennie drives to Raleigh.
Jennie does laundry.
Jennie goes to class in Durham.
Jennie goes back to Raleigh for the night.
Jennie watches American Idol.

Jennie drives back to the east coast.
Jennie takes a tumble. Seriously. A real, honest to goodness-if someone was taping this I would have a million trillion hits on you-tube- tumble. Just call me Scarlet.
Jennie hurts her wrist. Bad.
Jennie tries to do something other than watching Desperate Housewives.
Jennie fails.

Jennie goes to work.
Jennie does school work at work-work.
Hurricane Bill sweeps through work-work, creating actual work-work.
Jennie comes home and does more homework.
Jennie cooks a late night meal of mac n cheese.

Jennie brings her man his forgotten cell phone at work.
Jennie goes to work.
Jennie watches one episode of Desperate Housewives at work via netflix for ipod touch.
Jennie thinks it's time to get help.
Jennie does work-work.
Jennie reads.
Jennie goes home and does school work.
Jennie makes another late night meal.

Jennie wakes up.
Jennie does LOTS of school work.
Jennie will be watching the most wonderfully horrible Miley Cyrus movie to make her laugh, today.
Jennie will be signing a new lease today!
Jennie will be eating Roland's BBQ (The best BBQ on the east coast, no joke!) today.
Jennie will be checking out some bedroom furniture today.
Jennie will probably do more schoolwork.
But that will most likely, probably, definitely, turn into- Jennie watches more Desperate Housewives.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tid-bits and tiddlywinks.

It's official friends, I have lost my mind. Mostly. But I am sure this comes as no shock.

I have also been rather slack on the blogging, so here are a few pictures from the last 10 days or so that express the things that have been going on recently.

First off, I will start with the fact that I am tired of the snow. Seriously, who would have thought we would get SO much snow at the beach! Yesterday we got close to 8 inches. Honestly! 8 inches!! geez. The picture above is what my drive looked like on my way home from work when I finally decided the weather was to ridiculous to stay open any longer. I should have left earlier. Duh.

But since we had so much of it, we decided to bring in a bit of snow for Squirt so he could experience it for himself. He was decidedly uninterested.

He is, however, interested in my school books. This severely hinders my ability to study and get my work done. Which is all I do these days.

One heck of a salad that my main squeeze made me while I was in the depths of studying. So sweet, so sweet :)

And lastly, let's not forget to mention the close to 2000 miles I've driven back and forth to Raleigh for classes over the past week and a half. Poor Bertha can't handle that kind of mileage. She's well over the 200,000 mark. Let me also mention that almost all of these wonderful trips to raleigh began at approximately 5:30am. So, so fun.

Also, we found a new place to live! I am so excited!!!!! I would post pictures but it was kind of hard to get a good one, we were in a bit of a rush to check it out because I had to head to work right after. But, let me tell you, it is BEAUTIFUL! Gaaah, we will have to have a housewarming party for everyone soon! We'll be moving in starting Feb. 1st!

But, the best part of the last 10 days.....getting to see my best friend ever, and her beautiful daughter Peyton :)

I am SO in love!

Dearest friends, I will not let our talks go this far and few between again. Just as long as you're okay with my obsessing constantly posting pictures and talking about my favorite little girl ever :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You may find me...

Banging my head on the wall.

Yep, that's me, that crazed lookin' girl with all those books and papers scattered around her.

It ain't pretty.

Friday, January 7, 2011


The cleaning never stops! As soon as this teeny tiny apartment is clean, it becomes a sloppy mess within 24 hours! I am not entirely sure how this happens. I will just have to sit here on my bum and contemplate how this massive overtaking occurs so frequently.

In other news, Duff and I have been on the prowl for a new place to live. Perhaps once we have more room the messy piles of anything and everything will stop occuring so much. Or, at least they will take longer to pile up once we have more places to throw things.

So far we've seen an extremely small house (cottage) that is literally no bigger than the place we are at now, an extremely large house with about a million rooms that we think will be too expensive to heat, and an additional house that was just as big but needed a lot of work. So, so far not too much luck, but it is all a part of the learning process.  We have a very good possibility with a 2 bedroom townhome we have lined up to see next week, so keep your fingers crossed!

I was just called by my man and asked to look for his work keys which he apparently did not take to work.

I didn't need to look for them.

They are exactly where I put them (where ALL the keys go, mind you) yesterday while trying, in vain, to tidy the place up.

Apparently cleaning is the enemy.

The end.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2

Day Two:

A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

This is a picture of my and my very best friend, Katie. Or Kat Kat as I call her. Don't ask. The nicknames happened a long time ago. She lives a MILLION miles away in Alaska. (Okay, a million might be an exaggeration, but still, it's Alaska!) But nothing has ever changed between us, no matter the distance. I've known this lovely lady since 3rd grade and she is one beautiful person, inside and out. Honestly one of the most amazing souls I have ever met. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful friend in my life.

In other news, it was back to work at the flower shop today, and it was S-L-O-W! Thank goodness for sudoku on my phone!  School also starts on Wednesday and it has been more than a little stressful trying to get everything in order for that.  Who knew that going to school mostly online could be so hectic? I thought it was supposed to be easier? Just call me old-fashioned, but I guess I'm just used to actually, physically, going to my classes.

And now I have the hiccups, so I must go. 

You need to understand, my hiccups are epic. Ask anyone. Especially when coupled with a coughing fit. You can imagine the scenario, I'm sure.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 days.

First off, Happy New Year!!! Since when is it 2011? Seriously, I still feel like it should be 2005...or something. Anyone else with me? Oh well, I hope everyone's 2011 is filled with health, wealth, and happiness!

So I've seen this one floating around the internet for a while, and I suppose I'll give it a try. It's called 30 days, and it's basically a picture a day with an explanation to go along with it. I'm not even sure if anyone will be interested in this, so I promise to write about something else as well as the picture a day routine, but I figured this is a good way for the whole wide world of internet peoples to get to know me a little better. Enjoy friends, enjoy.

Day One: A picture of yourself with twelve facts.

I didn't want to choose any of the typical go-to pictures of myself, so I rooted around a bit and found this one. It was taken at Salem Lake in NC.

12 facts:

1. I love the water. Specifically the ocean, but any large body of water will do.

2. I got my Bachelor's degree in Music Performance.

3. I am getting my Master's degree in Special Education.

4. I like to cook, and  pretend I am really great at it. I can hold my own, though. Just don't ask me to make toast.

5. My Dad is completely blind and has been since he was 5 years old. He is my hero.

6. Macaroni and Cheese is my favorite food. Always has been, always will be. The end.

7. I find myself becoming more and more like my mother every day, and I love that.

8. I am in love* with my cat, Squirt. We have full blown conversations sometimes.
         * Disclaimer: I do not love everything he does, for example, knocking over my Christmas tree at 2:00 AM the other morning. Thus, not only do we love like family, we argue like family. (Well, as much as you can argue with an amazingly, adorable kitty.)

9. I physically need the sunshine. It makes me happy. I can prove this. When I was a newborn I had something wrong with me that could only be cured by sticking my newborn naked body in the windowsill with the sun shining on me for a few hours a day. Maybe it was jaundice? I don't know, I was a newborn for gracious sakes. BUT, I do blame that for why I crave the sunshine so much.

10. I love, love, love to read. Especially if it is in a hammock, outside in the sunshine. Duh.

11. My fiance' is quite possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Now, I promise not to get too sappy on ya'll, but he let me be me and showed me how beautiful I am. Not the easiest thing to do for a girl whose had self-confidence issues all her life.

12. Fact: This took me way longer than I expected it would. It is hard to just come up with 12 facts about yourself on the spot! 

Just for good measure. Here's your daily dose of Squirt.

And, yes, that is a leopard print snuggie he is snuggling with. Don't judge.