Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 days.

First off, Happy New Year!!! Since when is it 2011? Seriously, I still feel like it should be 2005...or something. Anyone else with me? Oh well, I hope everyone's 2011 is filled with health, wealth, and happiness!

So I've seen this one floating around the internet for a while, and I suppose I'll give it a try. It's called 30 days, and it's basically a picture a day with an explanation to go along with it. I'm not even sure if anyone will be interested in this, so I promise to write about something else as well as the picture a day routine, but I figured this is a good way for the whole wide world of internet peoples to get to know me a little better. Enjoy friends, enjoy.

Day One: A picture of yourself with twelve facts.

I didn't want to choose any of the typical go-to pictures of myself, so I rooted around a bit and found this one. It was taken at Salem Lake in NC.

12 facts:

1. I love the water. Specifically the ocean, but any large body of water will do.

2. I got my Bachelor's degree in Music Performance.

3. I am getting my Master's degree in Special Education.

4. I like to cook, and  pretend I am really great at it. I can hold my own, though. Just don't ask me to make toast.

5. My Dad is completely blind and has been since he was 5 years old. He is my hero.

6. Macaroni and Cheese is my favorite food. Always has been, always will be. The end.

7. I find myself becoming more and more like my mother every day, and I love that.

8. I am in love* with my cat, Squirt. We have full blown conversations sometimes.
         * Disclaimer: I do not love everything he does, for example, knocking over my Christmas tree at 2:00 AM the other morning. Thus, not only do we love like family, we argue like family. (Well, as much as you can argue with an amazingly, adorable kitty.)

9. I physically need the sunshine. It makes me happy. I can prove this. When I was a newborn I had something wrong with me that could only be cured by sticking my newborn naked body in the windowsill with the sun shining on me for a few hours a day. Maybe it was jaundice? I don't know, I was a newborn for gracious sakes. BUT, I do blame that for why I crave the sunshine so much.

10. I love, love, love to read. Especially if it is in a hammock, outside in the sunshine. Duh.

11. My fiance' is quite possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Now, I promise not to get too sappy on ya'll, but he let me be me and showed me how beautiful I am. Not the easiest thing to do for a girl whose had self-confidence issues all her life.

12. Fact: This took me way longer than I expected it would. It is hard to just come up with 12 facts about yourself on the spot! 

Just for good measure. Here's your daily dose of Squirt.

And, yes, that is a leopard print snuggie he is snuggling with. Don't judge.

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