Saturday, October 30, 2010

Move, movin' along.

This weekend is moving weekend! YAAAAAAYYY....

except. have I mentioned how much I really hate moving. blarg! It always reminds me of how much stuff I have. I have finally finished packing up all of my stuff, and this is what I am taking with me to Morehead.

Did I also mention, that Matt's apartment is TEENY, TINY??  As in, the size of a walk- in closet. Clearly, the problem here is too much stuff, not enough apartment.

Did I also mention that I have to move all of this in my very small, very broke-down honda civic?

The idea is almost laughable.


Here is the last of what I need to take to storage.

Now, this may not look like much, but trust me. This is about, mmmmm, 1/12th of what I have already taken to storage.

Oh the joys of moving. Not.

On a completely different note. Now that I don't have a job, I am going to go with my dad to San Diego in a week, for a week! He is going for back-to-back conferences for his job, I will be going to be his guide dog and to see a different side of our nation :) Very exciting!! I will update more later when things have calmed down a bit. Happy Halloween weekend!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Suzie Homemaker

In honor of accepting my new role of "Suzie Homemaker," I have ventured into the weird world of preparing meals with lots of meat.  Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, to cook (especially  to bake!) but something about working with a lot of meat just freaks me out. I guess I am always just afraid that I will do it wrong. Either undercook it, or, as it most typically happens, overcook it. So tonight, I made meatloaf. Yes, meatloaf, from scratch. I chose meatloaf, because really, you don't get much meatier than that. So here is the final product.

I also want all of you squeemish, "ew, that's a lot of beef" people out there to know, that this was made solely with 100% purely organic beef. So at least it's got that going for it. I will update you further to let you know how it actually tastes.

Now, I would like to introduce the world to my best of best friends.  Mrs. Katie La (formerly known as Katie O' Connor ) SHE ROCKS. and is now a new mommy!! :) So here is, in my opinion, the most beautiful baby girl in the whole world.

Look how amazingly adorable she is!! I am officially obsessed. I can't even imagine how obsessed the actual mommy must be! :)

This is probably my favorite picture to date:

Good, gracious, Lord. How precious.

I think, that maybe, JUST maybe, one day FAR, far from now, I want me one of these :)

Anyone want to buy me a ticket to Alaska so I can go see my 2 favorite ladies??

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Well, it's been almost a week.

And I am truly sorry. I did not mean to be such an inconsistent blogger. So, I will try to make this one good.

Let's start out with the fact that I got tuberculosis skin tested today for my new job. It looks a little something like this as of now:

Sorry for the poor macbook/photobooth quality picture. But that took just about all of the energy I have.
So anyways, word on the street says that if this nasty circular bump gets all red and swollen then I have been in contact with TB. Looks a liiiiittle red to me. But here's hoping that that is just from the initial shock of my skin being injected with a nasty dose of weird fluid.

So, yes, I got off work early today to go to the Dr's office and get my TB test. About 30 minutes after getting said test done, I get a call from the lady in charge of hiring me at my new job. The state is closing down all of the PAI offices in North Carolina. Therefore, leaving me (and everyone already working there) jobless. My last day at the bank is Friday. Most of you might say, "No big deal Jennie, just keep working at your current job." And I would agree with you, except for one thing. My house sold this weekend. Yep. It's a done deal (and the buyers are paying cash.) Can you imagine? No mortgage, just paying cold, hard cash. Or, in this case- I am sure, it will be more along the lines of a bank check. And, they want a 2 week closing. So the house will officially be theirs as of November 1st, which actually seems more like a 1 week closing to me.

Did I mention they are also keeping all of the furniture? Yep, so there goes my bedroom set, living room set, washer/dryer, and other items around the house. Oh yeah, this day just could not get any better.
So now, even if I wanted to stay at the bank- (which, let's be very clear here- I don't) I couldn't because I have no where to live.

Ahhh, so I guess this is God's way of giving me that vacation I kept saying I needed. Oh, well thank you  Lord, for listening, but I don't think this is exactly what I meant.

Anyways, so I will be moving to Morehead with Matt as of this weekend, and will just have to try and find a just-for-now crappy job to keep food on the table. I think, if I get into NCCU for the program,  that the stipend I would get as a part of that program would be enough to tide Matt and I over, so I may not even need to have a job during the schooling, and would be able to focus on that more than I had expected.

And so life goes, I suppose.

Goodbye lovely master bathroom with the gigantic walk-in closet that I have come to love oh-so much.

It's been real.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday Blah's.

There is just something about the middle of the week that can give you the "blah's" like nothing else. You would think it would be more along the lines of, "Yeah, hump day! We are at the halfway mark!" And,  sometimes it is like that, but usually it stays in the, "Oh geez, it's only Wednesday" category. Ah well.

I have been getting that itch to travel again.  Preferably somewhere tropical. I always want to go somewhere tropical as soon as it starts getting cold. Or cold-ish.

Side note: Can we please talk about how expensive it is to buy healthy food?? Doesn't this seem like the opposite way it should be? No wonder we have obesity as such a problem, because it is SO much cheaper to buy all of the junk food! I spent 80 dollars at the grocery store today, just buying food for myself. Because I made the effort to buy stuff that is somewhat healthy for me, I ended up spending almost twice as much! How frustrating!

It has also come to my attention that you have to basically sign your life away in order to post a comment on one of these posts. (either that or my main squeeze just didn't feel like putting in as much effort as it "supposedly" took to post his comment on yesterday's post.) If this is the case and it requires your social security number, plus your mother's maiden name, your bank account number, etc. I apologize. If it were up to me, it would be easier.  But no one comes to me for any bright ideas, even though I clearly am the best at them. :)

Now I am going back to my week-long marathon of watching the Duggers on Netflix. I am so oddly addicted to this show it is scary.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ya drag your feet, and....something bad happens? Is that how that saying goes?

Well, well. I'm back again. Does anyone know how that saying in my blog title goes? I've been trying to figure it out for days. Dang.

So last night I hung out with what is becoming one excellent friend. (Mostly because she feeds me.)

We ate salad, baked flounder, scallops, asparagus, sticky rice, garlic bread, and had some white wine, with a desert of amazing Korean chocolate breadstick type thing-a-ma-jigs. I ate too much. As usual.

We had too much fun. This needs to happen more often, as I can eat, and eat, and eat.

So I have begun my apartment search for places in the Morehead or Newport area. This is proving to be more difficult than I thought, because apparently finding an apartment that allows pets in that area is like getting the yarn to go through the sewing needle the first time. (at least that's how it goes for me. Is anyone else a pro at this? Maybe I am just impaired.)

So yes. That is essentially all that has been happening. If anyone has a fabulous apartment in morehead that allows just ONE simple, easy, clean cat. Feel free to share the love.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welp, here we go!

So, thus begins my adventure into blogging.*big gulp* Now, I am fully aware that no one will be reading this for a while, or possibly forever, and I am okay with that. This is just a place for me to share all of my ventings, awkward happenings, failures, successes, blah blah blah's, etc, with the world wide web. So come along for the ride, or don't. It's cool.  :)

I guess I should just start with letting everyone, er, I mean all of my imaginary friends "out there", know what's been going on in my life recently. So here we go.

I recently got engaged in April and we are planning an October 2011 wedding. So there will be PLENTY of crazy stories on this subject, I am sure of it.

I just put my 2 weeks in at the job I have been at since early summer. Which was a bank. Now, I realize that banking is a great job for some people. Not for me. I went. I tried. I failed. That's all she wrote, folks.

My new job is going to be working as a mentor to individuals with special needs, and I am SO excited for 2 reasons:
1.) I get to be creative again and really feel like I am helping people
2.) This job puts me in the same city as my fiance. And as you all know, this has yet to happen throughout our entire relationship. Can I just get a "woohoo!" No? okay. I'll settle for a silent cheer.

I am also hoping to go back to school in the spring to start my Master's. I will be going for a master's in special ed with a concentration in Orientation and Mobility. Essentially, helping people who are visually impaired learn to use their other senses to get around and be mobile in life. Let me also mention that I found out about this program 2 weeks before the deadline, so thanks to everyone that helped out!

So this pretty much brings everyone up to speed, and I think I am going to leave it at that. Don't want to get all lengthy on you'se guys and scare ya off!

Besides, Squirt says its bedtime.