Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Well, it's been almost a week.

And I am truly sorry. I did not mean to be such an inconsistent blogger. So, I will try to make this one good.

Let's start out with the fact that I got tuberculosis skin tested today for my new job. It looks a little something like this as of now:

Sorry for the poor macbook/photobooth quality picture. But that took just about all of the energy I have.
So anyways, word on the street says that if this nasty circular bump gets all red and swollen then I have been in contact with TB. Looks a liiiiittle red to me. But here's hoping that that is just from the initial shock of my skin being injected with a nasty dose of weird fluid.

So, yes, I got off work early today to go to the Dr's office and get my TB test. About 30 minutes after getting said test done, I get a call from the lady in charge of hiring me at my new job. The state is closing down all of the PAI offices in North Carolina. Therefore, leaving me (and everyone already working there) jobless. My last day at the bank is Friday. Most of you might say, "No big deal Jennie, just keep working at your current job." And I would agree with you, except for one thing. My house sold this weekend. Yep. It's a done deal (and the buyers are paying cash.) Can you imagine? No mortgage, just paying cold, hard cash. Or, in this case- I am sure, it will be more along the lines of a bank check. And, they want a 2 week closing. So the house will officially be theirs as of November 1st, which actually seems more like a 1 week closing to me.

Did I mention they are also keeping all of the furniture? Yep, so there goes my bedroom set, living room set, washer/dryer, and other items around the house. Oh yeah, this day just could not get any better.
So now, even if I wanted to stay at the bank- (which, let's be very clear here- I don't) I couldn't because I have no where to live.

Ahhh, so I guess this is God's way of giving me that vacation I kept saying I needed. Oh, well thank you  Lord, for listening, but I don't think this is exactly what I meant.

Anyways, so I will be moving to Morehead with Matt as of this weekend, and will just have to try and find a just-for-now crappy job to keep food on the table. I think, if I get into NCCU for the program,  that the stipend I would get as a part of that program would be enough to tide Matt and I over, so I may not even need to have a job during the schooling, and would be able to focus on that more than I had expected.

And so life goes, I suppose.

Goodbye lovely master bathroom with the gigantic walk-in closet that I have come to love oh-so much.

It's been real.

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