Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ya drag your feet, and....something bad happens? Is that how that saying goes?

Well, well. I'm back again. Does anyone know how that saying in my blog title goes? I've been trying to figure it out for days. Dang.

So last night I hung out with what is becoming one excellent friend. (Mostly because she feeds me.)

We ate salad, baked flounder, scallops, asparagus, sticky rice, garlic bread, and had some white wine, with a desert of amazing Korean chocolate breadstick type thing-a-ma-jigs. I ate too much. As usual.

We had too much fun. This needs to happen more often, as I can eat, and eat, and eat.

So I have begun my apartment search for places in the Morehead or Newport area. This is proving to be more difficult than I thought, because apparently finding an apartment that allows pets in that area is like getting the yarn to go through the sewing needle the first time. (at least that's how it goes for me. Is anyone else a pro at this? Maybe I am just impaired.)

So yes. That is essentially all that has been happening. If anyone has a fabulous apartment in morehead that allows just ONE simple, easy, clean cat. Feel free to share the love.

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