Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday Blah's.

There is just something about the middle of the week that can give you the "blah's" like nothing else. You would think it would be more along the lines of, "Yeah, hump day! We are at the halfway mark!" And,  sometimes it is like that, but usually it stays in the, "Oh geez, it's only Wednesday" category. Ah well.

I have been getting that itch to travel again.  Preferably somewhere tropical. I always want to go somewhere tropical as soon as it starts getting cold. Or cold-ish.

Side note: Can we please talk about how expensive it is to buy healthy food?? Doesn't this seem like the opposite way it should be? No wonder we have obesity as such a problem, because it is SO much cheaper to buy all of the junk food! I spent 80 dollars at the grocery store today, just buying food for myself. Because I made the effort to buy stuff that is somewhat healthy for me, I ended up spending almost twice as much! How frustrating!

It has also come to my attention that you have to basically sign your life away in order to post a comment on one of these posts. (either that or my main squeeze just didn't feel like putting in as much effort as it "supposedly" took to post his comment on yesterday's post.) If this is the case and it requires your social security number, plus your mother's maiden name, your bank account number, etc. I apologize. If it were up to me, it would be easier.  But no one comes to me for any bright ideas, even though I clearly am the best at them. :)

Now I am going back to my week-long marathon of watching the Duggers on Netflix. I am so oddly addicted to this show it is scary.

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