Sunday, November 21, 2010

And I'm in!

Got my "official" acceptance letter for Grad School earlier this week, and let me tell you, I am ready to start. I am not good at this sit at home "house-fiance" stuff. I'm sure that when I have kids I would love to be a stay at home wife, but for now, I need to be doing something with my days.

So, like I have said before, I begin in January and I should finish the program in Fall of 2012. Woohoo! Then I'll find a job, and Matt and I will finally be able to settle down for a while.

I went a church-huntin' today and I ended up going to Parkview Baptist church. Pretty nice place, I have never in my life met more friendly, welcoming people than the members there. This place might be a winner. Wanna know how I know that after just one service? As the pastor was reading scripture from Paul  in Romans, he stopped dead in the middle of a sentence (after reading the quoted text of "you all") and said, " I'm sure glad to know that Paul was a southerner..."

The church, was in a laughter uproar, and I am thinking to myself, "Well, bud, you sure as heck ain't in Kansas anymore." And I couldn't help but laugh, very quietly, so that others might not here me, as well.

Now, everyone who knows me, knows I have lived in NC my whole life. This, in turn, makes me a southerner. But I have never seen a more southern way of life, until I moved here. And, I gotta say, I like it.  All of ya'll (see what I did there?)  know I am a country girl at heart. I grew up on country music, love riding horses, am practically obsessed with farms, farmland, green grass, etc. I've just never been in any type of city to lead such a life. So during his sermon, when clearly I should have been listening, I thought, what if I just re-invent myself to be that country girl that 1/9th of me has always wanted to be.

*Side note- the other 8/9ths of me have wanted to be any one of the following at any point in my life:

- a big, bad city girl, with a big, bad city job
- an athlete of some sort- gymnast, duh
- a foodie/wine-y
- normal- because, let's face it, that will never happen.
- A beach bum- okay, so this one isn't really that far off, during the summer at least.
- a foreigner- I could so live in another part of the world, if it weren't for missing my friends/family.
- a monk- I was like, 5. I didn't even know it was impossible for girls to be monks.
- and a blogger. Hence, the blog.

Thing is, I feel like re-inventing myself at least once a week. Is it possible to really get that bored with yourself? Rather than think about how depressing that is, I'm going to chalk those feelings up to me being in a place in my life where I can literally re-invent myself with no qualms or quandries. I guess it's a type of freedom that just takes some getting used to. Yep. Alright then. This goes down as one of the top 5 weirdest blogs in history.

Later ya'll. (heh)

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