Friday, November 5, 2010

Reunited and it....(Part 1)

.....sheds so good.

Yes. I have never had more animal hair on me in my life. But it feels so good to be reunited with my Squirt, Snoopy, and Sherman ( Sherman is a little more than camera shy, so sorry no pictures of the black kitty today, maybe next time!)

I have missed these animals oh-so much!

Backtracking, I had some splendid views of eastern NC's version of "fall" on the drive to Raleigh for my grad school interview today!

Nice,  curvy road to keep my attention at 7:00AM!

Pretty colors. (Well, as pretty as they get in these here parts of NC!)

So the interview went really well! They told me I am in, just have to wait for my letter. And, (This, too, was also a dead giveaway) we sat down and planned the entire program from start to finish. It will only take me until the fall of 2012 to finish, and even then, the only thing I will be doing in that fall is my internship! So that is just a year and a half away from when I will start (I'll be starting spring term of this year)! Woohoo! And, if after I finish this program and decide to do an add-on Master's program in general Visual Impairment, I would only need to complete an additional 15 credit hours within 6 years of completing my first master's!  This is a very, very good thing. Which is good, because I need some good things happening right about now :)

So back to the pets. Snoopy, is the worst model ever. He literally will look dead at the camera, and SOMEHOW at the last second, look away quickly. He is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen, but you would honestly never know it from his pictures. Not photogenic. No sir-ee.

This is one of the better ones.

This is what usually happens when you take the picture. He is somewhat (and when I say somewhat, I mean 100% completely, without a doubt..) an attention hog. If you are not petting or looking at him, he will force you to do so:

This also, most of the time ends up with some sort of pain happening. He has no awareness of his strength.

So I usually end up doing this to keep him looking at the camera.

Which clearly makes him unhappy. And probably confused.

 And here is Arnold SQUIRTsinator himself! As well as my little brother, who does not look pleased to be a part of this picture.
Squirt is, to say the least, probably the quirkiest cat I have ever met. And he couldn't make me happier. He likes to flop onto his back and let you push him around the floor. We call it "taking a ride." It absolutely thrills him!

He is just too much.

So now you have met 2 of my 3 boys!

But we also have another cat, Sherman, who is very camera shy. Snoopy and I tried, and tried, and tried, but to no avail. Sherman was just not having it. He wouldn't budge from his safe haven under my parents bed.

Ah well, Snoops. We did the best we could. I will keep on the lookout for good Sherman pictures for later!


I have just found the elusive kitty in action... and here ya are, folks!!

(I know the suspense was killing you.)

1 comment:

  1. You know who my favorite is!! I love me some Squirt!!!! :-)
