Thursday, November 18, 2010

More from San Diego

Welp, I finally got my pictures back! So I will commence the sharing :)

So, so pretty there! Most of these pictures will be of the giraffes Zoo, and the Museums.

I'll start with my favorite animal :)

The true gentle giant! I spent an embarrassing amount of time at this exhibit. Parents with their children were giving me the evil eye for moving around and getting in the way of their precious family portraits with the Giraffes, as I snap what is probably close to a thousand pictures.

What cuties. I don't think there is a single person on this earth who does not love Koala bears. If so, their heart is made of stone.

This exhibit was great, lots of interaction for folks like me who want to get just a liiiiittle too close.

The polar bears were so playful!! They truly love to interact with the crowd!

And, in possibly one of my favorite shots of the day, we have...the Meerkats!!

Just reminds me of watching animal planet, wondering if I will ever get a chance to see these things in real life! They really do stick the roles they are given within their family! Amazing!

 I also went to about 5 museums, and as I may have already said, the museum of cultural arts and crafts was my favorite. They had a Zandra Rhodes exhibit up, and let me tell ya, I have fallen in love. This woman is amazing!! The whole exhibit was beautiful with the colors and the lighting.
For more pictures, I have a whole facebook album up with about 45 Giraffe pictures and then 5 other random ones. (Just kidding! Geez!)

Okay, okay. I'll stop!

That's it for today, I suppose.  Now I've just got to figure out what I am having for lunch (sandwich) and what to make for dinner while we are stove-less. (sandwich)

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